Wynn Jones Cup
The Wynn-Jones Cup is awarded to the Winning Team of the Monday Restricted Teams Competition. The Cup was donated to the Club by Mrs Wynn Jones in 1967.

1967 Harvey / Dawe / Berrill / Orton
1968 Bagshaw / Bagshaw / Forsman / Shipherd
1969 H Orton / J Stansell / J Holwerda / J Barron
1970 B Ringer / B Clayton / J Stansell / A Holwerda
1971 M Howes / Snell / Robertson / B Wilson
1972 A Holwerda / J Stansell / B Clayton / B Ringer
A Scott / N Caeser / M Clayton / B Middleton
1973 S Draper / I Hewitt / M Wormald / J Grimmer
1974 L Fox / C Middlemiss / A Scott / B Middleton
1975 M Denize / Q Shotbolt / L Ridgway / D Andrew
1976 E Forsman / G Hewitt / Kay / B Kay
1977 M Brough / M Hewin / U Hodgson / G Jobson
2015 A Janisz / R Bistricer / T Robb / N Costa
2016 L Thornton / D Conroy / H Annabell / C Moore
2017 L Geursen / A Janisz / K Wang / H Zhang
2018 T Robb / A Janisz / R Bistricer / L Thornton
2019 T Robb / A Janisz / R Bistricer / L Thornton
2020 Not awarded due to Covid
2021 L Thornton / W Morris/ A Janisz / T Robb
2022 L Thornton / K Birch / M Cullen / G Askew
2023 L Geursen / L Thornton / C Moore / H Annabell
2024 M Casci / C Glyde / J Buckland / T Robb