Fox Cup
The Fox Cup is awarded to the Winner of the Wednesday Club Points Competition. The Cup was donated to the club by Lillian Fox in 1993.

1981 D McWha
1982 A Steel
1983 C Moore
1984 G Jarvis
1985 L Tully
1986 J G Hewitt
1987 P Graham / J G Hewitt
1988 J G Hewitt
1989 J Graham
1990 Holmes
1991 M Smith
1992 M Smith
1993 M Smith
1994 G Douglas / M O’Connell
1995 C Duncan
1996 C Moore
1997 A Howes
1998 G Hewitt
1999 A Howes
2000 G Hewitt
2001 D Conroy
2002 D Conroy
2003 G Hewitt
2004 D Conroy
2005 P Gray
2006 D Mooy
2007 P Gray
2008 P Gray
2009 O’Shaughnessy
2010 P Gray
2011 D Mooy
2012 T Phillips
2014 D Conroy
2015 G Logan
2016 L Geursen
2017 D Old
2018 D Old
2019 D Old
2020 H Annabell
2021 Not awarded due to Covid
2022 H Annabell
2023 D Old
1982 A Steel
1983 C Moore
1984 G Jarvis
1985 L Tully
1986 J G Hewitt
1987 P Graham / J G Hewitt
1988 J G Hewitt
1989 J Graham
1990 Holmes
1991 M Smith
1992 M Smith
1993 M Smith
1994 G Douglas / M O’Connell
1995 C Duncan
1996 C Moore
1997 A Howes
1998 G Hewitt
1999 A Howes
2000 G Hewitt
2001 D Conroy
2002 D Conroy
2003 G Hewitt
2004 D Conroy
2005 P Gray
2006 D Mooy
2007 P Gray
2008 P Gray
2009 O’Shaughnessy
2010 P Gray
2011 D Mooy
2012 T Phillips
2014 D Conroy
2015 G Logan
2016 L Geursen
2017 D Old
2018 D Old
2019 D Old
2020 H Annabell
2021 Not awarded due to Covid
2022 H Annabell
2023 D Old